My birthday yesterday was so special. I loved having my friends and Rhys there, it was truly so much fun. AND..... I GOT A TYPEWRITER!!!! A BRIGHT YELLOW ONE!!!! I'm so happy! Now all I need is beautiful new shoes, like the gorgeous ones in the photo *sigh*
Today I had to say goodbye to Rhys. And like the pathetic child I am I bawled my eyes out in front of everyone. So gross. But necessary. After that I went to Night Church and now I feel a lot better, I'm not even sure when I started to feel happy instead of miserable, but I really am thanking God for helping me. I feel as though I can live without Rhys for a while now, because of God. I still miss him but its bearable now.
God also helped me in my driving test. I wasn't nervous at all as soon as I started driving. I am truly blessed.
And happy birthday for yesterday also to Danica from A Sight To Be Seen. I hope your day was as lovely as mine.